|Real Estate

|Adult Wellness

|Youth Wellness

|Career Planning

"OneLifeOneYou; every moment of life is ours to dream, decide, and design our happiness."
-Zee Pressley


Signature Services

Work with Me 1:1

Working with us is an investment in your journey. You decide your destiny and we will coach you through the process of achieving your goals.   

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Our coaching strategies have served thousands of people who have now discovered a life journey that is more fulling; thus, enabling them to have more times worth celebrating. 

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Visit our Saturday morning blogs for FREE tips and talks featuring Real Estate Market Updates, Wellness tips, and Career Market Developments and Declines.

Zee Pressley, Lead Coach of Zeatize (OneLifeOneYou). A truest. Born with a passion and belief in self-growth, built on a foundation of positive thinking, planning and resilience. The sixth of seven children, positivity has been the grounding force of her existence. Never a copy-cat. She has modeled her businesses from visions dancing in her mind, landing on paper, and “BAM!” She reigns the front running of all her endeavors.

To meet her is to become Zeatized. Her zealous and energetic sprit is contagious. She delights in vacationing, dancing, and dinning whether within the mist of company or solo.

Master of Science in Mental Health and Wellness with an Emphasis in Family Dynamics: continuing
Bachelor of Science in Management, University of Phoenix
Real Estate - Licensed Realtor - G. E. Johnson Properties
Wellness Pages - National Exercise Trainers Association - Certified

Meet The person 
behind the brand

By, Zee


Want to know where the real money is? Real Estate of course. Generational wealth has been established often through the legacy of Real Estate ownership. It can be grandfathered or begin with you. Real Estate is a gift that keeps on giving. The more you invest in your knowledge of Real Estate the greater control you can have of your financial future.

Whether you want to learn how to purchase, best practices when selling, or becoming an agent, your knowledge power session is a scan away.

Scan the QR code to schedule a one-on-one 15-session. Begin Zeatizing your life today. 

Real Estate


With over 142,629,000 jobs to choose from in America, how do you narrow the scope to determine what is the best career fit for you?

Step one is, to begin with, a strategic plan. Second, flip the script. It is not only important the skills you bring to an organization, but what and how can an organization help you enrich your life. After all, it’s your OneLife. Too often amazing talent is trapped in a career that leaves one peering over the hill, gazing at their wising to have. Why not have it? Together we can build a bridge to cross over to a career that feels right for you. A job that doesn’t feel like work is the dream job of most. The third step, schedule a free 15-minute session with your coach.

Scan the QR code to schedule a one-on-one 15-session and learn how we can best support your child’s mental and physical wellness. Begin Zeatizing your child’s life today.

Career Planning


Mental Wellness
Life is everything but predictable. When adverse effects walk across life paths, it can be challenging to find light amid a seeming dim road. But I assure you, “there’s nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).”
Sometimes a sounding board, or a coach to help defog mental clutter can lighten the road, rejuvenating possibilities and clearing life paths, so that one remains in control no matter how life unfolds.
Physical Wellness
Choice, Challenge, and Courage. I’ve been an advocate for physical wellness for greater than 40 years. Through two pregnancies and tons of stressful experiences, I’ve remained focused on my physical wellness.
Realizing that life will present challenges. Understanding that you have the power of choice and having the courage to remain focused on your physical wellness is key. Try my “no diet,” approach to life a style of physical wellness.

Scan the QR code to schedule a one-on-one 15-session. Begin Zeatizing your life today.

Adult Wellness


Youth Mental Wellness
Youth Mental Wellness can be challenging, particularly during the early years. Mean kids, and sometimes adults don’t censor their words and this can be bruising to a child’s self-confidence.
Children need a safe outlet to share their voices. Fortunately, Wellness coaches are here to help.
Youth Physical Wellness
Good physical wellness habits begin during the early stages of life. The sooner physical wellness becomes a part of their trajectory, the better the chance kids will become physically well adults.

Scan the QR code to schedule a one-on-one 15-session and learn how we can best support your child’s mental and physical wellness. Begin Zeatizing your child’s life today.

Youth Wellness